‘23년 「SW공개특강」 특강 안내
안녕하세요? S/W, 인공지능과 딥러닝에 관심있는 학생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
□ 공간 전사체학에서의 그래프 신경망의 활용 (Application of Graph Neural Networks in Spatial Transcriptomics)
◦ (교육시간) ’23년 9월 27일(수), 17:00(2시간) ◦ (강의장소) 연세대학교 미래캠퍼스 컨버전스홀 323호 ◦ (강 사) 성명 | 소속/지위 | 비고 | 정호연 | 성균관대학교 의학 연구소 / 박사 | Dates: March 2023 – Name and address of employer: Medical Research Institute, Samsung Medical Center. 81 Irwon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06351, Republic of Korea Occupation or position held: Postdoctoral Researcher. Main activities and responsibilities: Bioinformatician in spatial transcriptomics; Cell identification and interaction studies in the tumor microenvironment Type of business or sector: Bioinformatics.
Dates: May 2017 – May 2019 Name and address of employer: Gangwon Research Institute of ICT Convergence, Gangneung-Wonju National University. Room 405, 200, Gieopdosi-ro, Jijeong-myeon, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea Occupation or position held: Senior Researcher, Team Leader. Main activities and responsibilities: Development of a platform for big data analytics; Deep learning architect for medical data analysis Type of business or sector: Research & development in ICT (Information and Communications Technology) |
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