Mercedes-Benz Korea에서 IT GBS 인턴사원 채용합니다.
전기,전자나 컴퓨터공학 전공하고 있는 학생이어야합니다.
아래 이메일 주소에 영문이력서(프로젝트 수행 경험위주)와 영문자기소개서 보내주시면 벤츠코리아 IT팀장하고 검토 후, 피드백드리겠습니다.
글로벌회사의 IT환경과 인프라스트럭쳐에 대한 이해를 할 수 있는 좋은경험이 될듯 싶습니다.
기간은 6개월
급여는 120만원(세전)
채용인원 1명
Welcome to Mercedes-Benz Korea LTD.
IT GBS (Governance, Business Services and Security) team in Mercedes-Benz Korea LTD.(MBK) is looking for full time internships,
giving students opportunities for their professional development and, at the same time, sustaining MBK's ongoing success by ensuring a highly trained and motivated future workforce.
She or he will do support - Mobility projects such as CoD (Company Owned Device) replacement and MS365 distribution
- Automation feasibility testing like robot utility in the office and/or dealer show rooms
- Service agreements update including service catalogues MBK IT believes she or he can learn and experience project methodology,
communication skills and IT technologies via an internship program gaining insights of Mercedes-Benz products and company.
Furthermore, it can be contributed to achieve digital targets of Mercedes-Benz Korea LTD.
- Is interested in digital workplace, network, IT project, IT business services or IT innovation.
- Can enjoy the challengeable situation.